Our Parish has several projects underway as we enter the Advent Season and begin preparing ourselves for the Nativity of our Lord in the Flesh. This time of the year is . . . busy - to say the least! It is so very easy to get swept up with Christmas business.
Preparing, though, to celebrate the Great Feast of our Lord's Nativity takes thought and care. The Church prescribes a 40 day fast which begins Wednesday, Nov. 15th. And there will be an increase in Church Services in the coming weeks. Everyone is encouraged to turn to the Scriptures a bit more, be more attentive to their prayer life and . . . pitch in here at the parish.
Here are some opportunities:
Attend the Divine Services - Saturday Vespers ad Sunday Divine Liturgy, Feast Days, and take a break from rushing up and down 611 and come to Tuesday & Thursday Daily Vespers at 4:00 PM.
Do your very best to finish up your 2023 financial pledge to the parish and give careful thought to your upcoming 2024 financial pledge to the parish.
Help with decorating the Church for Christmas. Gather decorations from the Shed & Hall and bring them to the Church on Sunday, Nov. 26th after the Divine Liturgy!
Bring "Live" Large "White" Pointsettias Plants for the Church by Dec. 23rd!
Visits/Care Packages/Cards to Home-bound and Shut-in parishioners (baked Cookies)
College Care Packages for our 7 Holy Trinity college students! Students must receive them by the First week of December for Finals!
Consider serving on our Parish Council. At our Annual Assembly at the end of January, we will be electing members to the Parish Council.
Perhaps you have other ideas we, as a parish, can take up during this Holiday Season. Please share them with Father Nicholas, or any member of the Parish Council. Together our small parish can do mighty things!